Whether they appear on the hands, on the face or at the neckline, pigmentary spots are rarely welcome because we often don’t know how to get rid of them. You probably won’t be surprised to find out that these famous “brown spots” are one of the main concerns of our customers since a lot of people are prone to them. Luckily, there are several techniques that can treat them effectively and that can prevent their recurrence.
The different types of spots and their causes
As you may know, there are several types of pigmentary spots and as many possible causes to their appearance. These spots come in different shapes, sizes and intensities and they can appear on various body parts. Several reasons can explain their presence :
Sun exposure : The primary cause of the appearance of dark spots is the prolonged sun exposure, especially in the absence of adequate protection. The type of spots that result from it are called “Lantigos” and they look like large beige or brown freckles. They appear mostly on the face, on the hands and at the neckline as these are the most frequently sun exposed body parts. Some skin types, more precisely skins that tan easily but that are prone to sunburns are more conducive to developing lantigos. In addition, as it is the case for many skin conditions, a hereditary factor may also be responsible for the appearance of such spots on a person’s skin.
Skin aging : Nobody can stop time and one of the common causes of the appearance of dark spots is the skin aging which causes the appearance of “age spots.” Since this type of spots are also a form of lantigos, they appear mostly on the body parts that are often exposed to the sun such as the hands, the face and neckline, and they will be more likely to affect a person who has exoposed herself a lot to the sun or who is hereditarily predisposed to lantigos.
Hormonal causes : Hormonal fluctuations are often responsible of the appearance of large dark spots on the face called Chloasma. Also called Melasma or Pregnancy mask, it takes the form of diffuse spots, often in a symmetrical arrangement, which are particularly visible on the forehead, on the cheekbones and around the mouth. As its nickname suggests, pregnancy is one of the possible causes of Cholasma but different factors may also explain its appearance, even on women who have never had children. To name a few, taking oral contraceptives, a temporary hormonal imbalance or taking hormones at menopause are all situations that can lead to an hormonal fluctuations important enough to make a person prone to Chloasma.
As you may have guessed it, sun exposure is also a factor that will increase the chances that a person who is already prone to them will develop these types of spots.
Photosensitisation : Finally, a temporary photosensitivity, which is an increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight, may be responsible for the appearance of spots of various shapes and sizes on the body parts that have been exposed to sun during this period. Several factors may temporarily make the skin photosensitive. For exemple, we can think about some medications making the skin intolerant to the sun as well as waxing or exfoliation that will both make the skin sensitive to sunlight for a period of about 48 hours. Thus, it is relevant to be very well protect or even to avoid the sun when we know our skin is fragilised and conducive to developing spots due to a temporary photosensitivity.
Possible treatments
Fortunately, there are several types of treatments to considerably lighten and even to remove dark spots. However, it is important to know that a person who is prone to develop pigmentary spots will always remain prone to it, even if the spots are no longer visible after an appropriate treatment, since the spots will always remain “under the skin” .
Thus, it is essential to adequately take care of our skin with some simple tips to maintain the results and prevent the appearance of new spots.
Sure thing, not all dark spots nor all skin types need to be treated the same way in order to achieve optimal results. Indeed, the treatment plan will vary greatly from a person to another depending on their skin and on the type of spots they have, but also depending on their budget, on the “age” of the spots and on their depth, etc. So, first of all, it is essential to get a consultation with a professional who will guide you on the right type of treatment to get rid of the spots.
Don’t hesitate to call us for a free consultation with one of our skin expert that will develop for you an appropriate treatment plan that will meet your needs and expectations: 514 843-7546
Photorejuvenation : Miracle treatment for the skin, whether it’s for redness, irregularities, dilated pores, dull complexion or, in this case, for dark spots, photorejuvenation (IPL) is a very effective technique to even the skin and thus to get rid of dark spots. The IPL will “burn” the brown spot in order to significantly reduce its color or even make it disappear. A course of several treatments (usually 3 to 5 treatments) is often required to achieve optimal results and it is recommended to do a maintenance session from time to time in order to maintain the results.
Peelings : As for photorejuvenation, a cure of several peelings may be recommended to remove dark spots from the face. The peeling is a chemical solution that is applied to the face and that causes a very slight superficial burn in order to rid the skin of a large amount of dead cells, allowing its regeneration. Not only do peelings get rid of various type of spots, but they also improve the overall appearance of the skin by reducing wrinkles and fine lines, by improving the complexion and by improving the texture of epidermis.
Retinol creams : Retinol is an active ingredient contained in different creams that can whiten dark spots. Thus, this type of creams can be recommended alone or to accompany a course of photorejuvenation or peelings tratments in order to obtain the best possible results.
Before/after results of a rejuvenation cure :
Care and prevention
As you now know, there are several very effective ways to treat pigmentary spots. However, the way you’ll take care of your skin after a treatment plan will be of great importance to maintain the results or in order to prevent the appearance of new spots.
Thus, since the sun is one of the most important factors in the appearance of dark spots, it is important not to get sun exposed in an exaggerated way and to protect yourselft adequately with zinc sunscreen that offer a maximum protection. In addition, it will be wise to wear a hat during the days of long sun exposure in order to protect the sensitive skin of the face that is particularly prone to spots.
Of course, an annual maintenance of one photorejuvenation or peeling tratment will maintain optimal results. A proper beauty routine possibly including creams and serums that fight against hyperpigmentation can also be recommended to prevent the appearance of new spots.
Here is, for example, a beauty routine specifically designated to fight against hyperpigmentation spots:
- Gentle cleanser from SkinCeuticals • Day & Night
- Antioxydant serum Phloretin CF from SkinCeutical • Day
- Physical Fusion SPF 50 from SkinCeuticals • Day
- Appropriate SkinCeuticals moisturizer • Day & Night
- Advanced pigment corrector from SkinCeuticals • Night
As you’ve read, there are certainly many types of pigmentary spots, but many treatments are available to get rid of them and to prevent their recurrence. The important thing is simply to choose a treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs and your condition in order to get the desired results.
If you’re looking to get rid of one or many spots of hyperpigmentation, feel free to visit us to obtain an absolutely free consultation with one of our professionals who will guide you to the appropriate treatment! 514 843-7546